Wi-Fi and Crown Access stands for aircraft maintenance.

Coy Stepro stands in the work area atop a Boeing 787
This is one safe bird’s nest!
Here is a photo of the safest, most efficient Wi-Fi and Crown access stand in the industry. That’s our General Manager Coy Stepro standing in the work space atop a Boeing 787. Look how secure and enclosed you feel. There’s not a gap between the safety fence and the aircraft. Notice how the orange painted Safety Sliders fit tight to the fuselage. You can step confidently from the platform onto the plane’s crown where the Wi-Fi antenna is located just behind Coy.
Those orange levers (to the left in the photo) are mechanisms to lock the sliders into place, offering a stable feel to technicians making repairs.
Across the top of the photo is our Jib Crane, capable of lifting 400 lbs. of tools or equipment onto the work platform or plane. The arm of the crane moves in a 180-degree pattern, making it possible to lift from either side of the platform. The stand also offers electric and pneumatic connections, and two LEDs mounted at the opening can throw a lot of light onto the subject. We also should mention you can use this stand inside or outside of the hangar.
Simpson Aerospace Services (SAS) provides all types of stands for aircraft maintenance at Ground Operations and Line Maintenance facilities around the country and even beyond. We build each one with quality and safety in mind. We just happen to take a little more shine to this one.